Sesiunea 1 - Activitate - Cartile promise
Sesiunea 1 - Nota 1 - Anuarul personalitatilor
Sesiunea 1 - NotaI 2 - nstantaneul conducerii
Sesiunea 1 - Nota 3 - Ce este conducerea
Sesiunea 1 - Nota 4 - Caracteristicile
Sesiunea 1 - Nota 5 - Stiluri de conducere
Sesiunea 1 - Nota 6 - Modificand stilul de conducere
Sesiunea 1 - Nota 7 - Feedback
Sesiunea 2 - Concentrandu-ne la Biblie
Sesiunea 2 - Ciclurile sfortarii si harului
Sesiunea 2 - Discipline spirituale
Sesiunea 3 Activitatea 1 - Afirmațiile chemării
Sesiunea 3 Notite aditionale 1 - darurile spirituale
Sesiunea 3 Note Aditionale 2 - Viata in zona rosie a turometrului
Sesiunea 3 Nota1 - Cum e calatoria
Sesiunea 3 Nota 2 - Imaginea de ansamblu
Sesiunea 3 Nota 3 - Exemplul lui Isus
Sesiunea 4 - Nota 1 - Character matters
Sesiunea 4 - Nota 2 - Marks of Christlike character
Sesiunea 4 - Nota 3 - Developing Christ-like character
Sesiunea 4 - Nota 4 - Case studies
Sesiunea 4 - Nota 5 - 2 Peter 1, Choices
Session 5 Nota 4 - Making the journey, three obstacles
Session 5 Nota 5 - Making the journey, six priorities
Session 5 Nota 6 - Discerning the direction
Session 6 Nota 1 - Stage 1 Identify
Session 6 Nota 2 - Looking for leaders
Session 6 Nota 3 - Stage 2 Invest
Session 6 Nota 4 - Stage 3 Entrust
Session 7 Additional handout 2 - Five dysfunctions questionnaire
Session 8 Activity 1 - Sufferings cube
Session 8 Activity 2 - Labels and cards
Session 8 Nota 2 - Colossians 1v21-2v7
Session 8 Nota 3 - Letter template
Session 9 Activity 1 - Signs for the track
Session 9 Nota 1 - Weary or fresh
Session 9 Nota 2 - Training programme
Session 9 Nota 3 - Training notes
Establishing identity - download
Project 2 Formular 2 Rugăciune - download
Session 2 Additional Handout Rom - Spiritual disciplines - download
Session 2 Handout 1 - Ciclurile sforțării si harului - download
Session 2 Handout 2 - Biblia suedeza study - download
Session 2 Handout 1 - Concentrându-ne la Biblie ro - download
Session 2 Handout 5 - Feedback form ro - download
Miturile conducerii - download
Sesiunea 1 Note Aditionale 2 rom - download
Session 1 Activity 1 - Promise cards - download
Session 1 Handout 1 - Who's who Anuarul Personalitatilor RO
Session 1 Handout 2 - Leadership snapshot Instantaneul conducerii Ro - download
Session 1 Handout 3 - What is leadership Ce este conducerea RO - download
Session 1 Handout 4 - Distinctives of Christian leadership Caracteristicile RO - download
Session 1 Handout 5 - Leadership styles reflection Stiluri de conducere RO - download
Session 1 Handout 6 - Modifying your leadership style Modificând stilul de conducerea Ro - download
Session 1 Handout 7 - Feedback form Formular feedback RO - download